MedHub Global Support Manual

MedHub Support Policy

Welcome to the Support Policy site for MedHub, LLC (“MedHub”). This MedHub Support Policy describes the maintenance and support services provided to you (“you” or “Institution”) pursuant to the Software as a Service Agreement between you and MedHub (the “Agreement”) for MedHub’s eValue or MedHub program (each, the “System”).

1. MedHub Product Support.

Regular support hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday - Friday, excluding U.S. Federal holidays. The contact telephone number for MedHub support is at (866) 766-0625. In addition, MedHub shall provide Institution with an emergency contact voice mail system accessible twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days a week. This will be available in the event a Technical Support Specialist is unavailable at that time. This voice mail system is regularly checked throughout the day. Any calls received before 7:00am CST at the above number will be returned on the same day. Calls received after 6:00pm CST will be returned on the next business day. Email trouble ticket support is available 24/7/365 [email protected].

2. eValue Product Support.

Regular support hours shall be from 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday - Friday, excluding U.S. federal holidays. The contact telephone number for eValue support is at (866) 766-0625. In addition, MedHub shall provide Institution with an emergency contact voice mail system accessible twenty-four (24) hours, seven (7) days a week. This will be available in the event a Client Service Consultant is unavailable at that time. This voice mail system is regularly checked throughout the day. Any calls received before 7:00am CST at the above number will be returned on the same day. Calls received after 6:00pm CST will be returned on the next business day. ·Email trouble ticket support is available 24/7/365 through [email protected].

3. Maintenance Services.

During the term of your Agreement, MedHub will provide the following maintenance services for the System:

a) Telephone and remote computer support regarding guidance as to operation of the System, explanations of functions and features of the System, explanations of user documentation provided by MedHub for the System (“Documentation”).

b) All bug fixes, corrections, and minor upgrades of the System, including the related documentation (collectively, “Updates”)l occur on a periodic, as needed basis, but no less than once every six (6) months.

c) The Institution is responsible for advising MedHub of changes in requirements due to changes in federal or state laws or regulations (“Applicable Laws”).  MedHub will provide Updates to meet changes in Applicable Laws; provided, however, that MedHub may make such Updates available subject to additional license, installation, training and/or maintenance fees. MedHub shall advise Institution of such fees sixty (60) days in advance. For the purpose of clarity, MedHub shall not charge an Institution for Applicable Law Updates where such Updates are needed by all of MedHub’s licensees.

d) Error, defect, problem, and malfunction (collectively, “Errors”) correction for the System will be provided in the following response times:

      • Severity 1 Error. In the event of a reported Severity Level 1 Error, MedHub shall commence substantive efforts to remedy the Error within four (4) hours after receipt of notification by Institution, and shall work continuously until an effective and commercially reasonable computer-based workaround is implemented. After  which, MedHub shall work during regular maintenance hours until a remedy for the Error is implemented (exception: scheduled outage). MedHub shall provide a status update to Institution every two (2) hours until a commercially reasonable computer- based workaround is implemented. After which MedHub will provide status updates on a daily basis until a remedy for the Error is implemented.
      • Severity 2 Error. In the event of a reported Severity Level 2 Error, MedHub shall commence substantive efforts to remedy the Error within eight (8) hours after receipt of notification by Institution, and shall work during regular maintenance hours until a remedy for the Error is implemented. MedHub shall provide a status update to Institution daily until a commercially reasonable computer-based workaround is implemented. After which MedHub will provide status updates on a weekly basis until a remedy for the Error is implemented.
      • Severity 3 Error. In the event of any Severity Level 3 Error, the parties shall discuss the nature of the Error and determine a commercially reasonable course of action for the resolution of the Error. Institution acknowledges that in certain cases it may be commercially reasonable for MedHub to address the Error in the next scheduled Update or release of the System.
      • Other. MedHub shall respond to all other maintenance inquiries within its normal maintenance guidelines, but in no event later than the next business day after receipt of the request from Institution.
      • MedHub product: Institution must submit all Error and other notifications and requests to MedHub in writing, by telephone/voicemail at (866) 766-0625, by e- mail at [email protected]. Each notification must contain the medical Program name, program administrator (or individual making request), associated URL or page description where the problem was encountered and a brief description of the problem and when it occurred.
      • eValue Product: Institution must submit all Error and other notifications and requests to MedHub in writing, by telephone/voicemail at (866) 766-0625 or by e- mail at [email protected]. Each notification must contain the Program ID, program administrator (or individual making request), page description where the problem was encountered and a brief description of the problem and when it occurred.

e) For the purposes of this MedHub Support Policy, severity levels are defined as follows where all descriptions per severity level must be true:

Severity Level 1

      • Critical network or system issue/event;
      • Majority of the service down or inoperative;
      • Multiple Users affected;
      • Continuous/complete loss of User access;
      • Severe business impact; and
      • Highest priority function and most important issue.

Severity Level 2

      • Significant server or system issue/event;
      • Individual core components of the system experiencing problems;
      • Single segments, and/or Users effected;
      • Intermittent loss of User connectivity;
      • Moderate business impact;
      • Workarounds available; and
      • Medium priority function and issue.

Severity Level 3

      • Minor server or system issue/event;
      • Individual user(s) effected;
      • Undetectable loss of User connectivity;
      • Minor/No business impact;
      • Immediate work-arounds available;
      • Low priority function and issue.

f) All support issues, regardless of severity are logged, time stamped and numbered with a trouble ticket code. This code is the reference by which the issue is tracked to resolution. Incidents are then assigned a severity level priority 1- 4 by MedHub staff. These severity levels will determine when and how an incident is to be handled.

g) If MedHub investigates an Error and such Error is found to be caused by operator error, training issue, modification (other than by MedHub), or other cause not inherent in unmodified version of the System, MedHub reserves the right to charge for its maintenance services at its then-current professional service rates.

4. Service Levels.

MedHub warrants it shall use commercially reasonable efforts to assure that the System remains available for access by authorized users for at least ninety-nine point nine five percent (99.95%) of the hours during each calendar month of this Agreement. However, Institution agrees that from time to time it may be necessary to schedule times when the System will be unavailable to users due to server upgrades, System Updates or some other maintenance. These down times will be scheduled in advance and users will be notified via email at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the outage. Downtime due to scheduled maintenance or force majeure events shall not be included in the determination of monthly availability.

5. MedHub and Client Managers.

MedHub and you shall each designate an employee to serve as that party’s point of contact for matters related to your use of the System pursuant to the Agreement (“MedHub Client Success Manager” and “Institution Project Manager”). Each party will provide written notice of any change of its designated manager. Each Manager shall have day-to-day responsibility for monitoring, coordinating and directing the work to be performed under this Agreement, and for otherwise ensuring that its party performs its obligations hereunder, including by having such responsibilities as described below:

a) Responsibilities of Institution Project Manager. The responsibilities of the Institution Project Manager shall be as follows:

  • Be the primary point of contact for all internal users and the MedHub Project Manager.
  • Schedule, organize and direct internal resources to provide vital data, be present at and prepared for all MedHub training sessions.
  • Document issues, risks, concerns and requests and bring them to the MedHub primary contact.
  • Handle all internal training of new users after the go-live phase or appoint an institutional trainer and transfer knowledge to this user.
  • Communicate to internal users the fact that MedHub customer support cannot:
  • Populate, modify, delete or otherwise manage Client Data;
  • Grant or rescind user profiles in the System;
  • Instruct, interpret or train users around internal institution-specific requirements, process and regulations; or
  • Configure settings for any user other than the Client Project Manager.
  • In no event shall MedHub have any obligation under this MedHub Support Policy to respond to inquiries (whether by electronic mail, telephone or any other means), provide on-line help utilities for, or otherwise render assistance to any person other than those individuals trained directly by MedHub on the System.

Institution will designate an internal Institutional Trainer (who will act as the single-point-of-contact between internal stakeholders and MedHub during the Maintenance Phase of the project. This person will handle issues involving the internal training for all new users. This person is also responsible for communicating how the MedHub tool is to be used by all internal institutional users to best reflect unique institutional policy, process and requirements.

b) Responsibilities of MedHub Client Success Manager. The responsibilities of the MedHub Client Success Manager shall be as follows:

      • Regularly conduct operational reviews for Institution of support tickets, projects and platform.
      • Conduct strategic planning with decision makers at Institution, as needed.
      • Monitor use of the platform and drive full utilization of the functionality by Institution.
      • Maintain and develop awareness of trends in case load and current client issues, take action as necessary for Institution.
      • Identify training needs and facilitate consulting help as needed for Institution.
      • Promote solution and industry webinars that enhance experience of Institution with the platform and MedHub.
      • Meet with key executives and program owners at Institution to review system objectives, value proposition and client support.
      • Be knowledgeable on the education strategy and institutional requirements of Institution.
      • Proactively maintain and foster client relationships with key stakeholders and executives at Client.
      • Act as an escalation point for Institution.

c) Responsibilities of both Managers and both parties. The parties shall use best efforts to cause their Managers to meet regularly via teleconference during Institution’s use of the System to review and discuss the following matters related to operational review and project managements:

      • All tickets opened during previous month with status.
      • Review of tickets not closed from previous month.
      • Escalation of issues still outstanding.
      • Review of system performance / uptime.
      • Cooperative joint review on any system outages.
      • Active user counts within system as compared to contracted users counts.
      • Review of progress on System enhancements.

In addition, the parties agree to follow an issue/risk management process, with each Project Manager responsible for identifying issues and risks. Issues will be prioritized (Critical, High, Medium & Low) and should take the following considerations when setting priority:

      • Cost of the impact;
      • Number of people impacted;
      • Breadth of the functional or technical scope;
      • Immediacy of the issue;
      • Amount of lead-time required for issue resolution; and
      • Impact on other efforts.

Confidential and proprietary: All brand or product names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of MedHub, LLC or its affiliates.

The information contained herein is subject to change. Revisions may be issued from time to time, and MedHub, LLC assumes no responsibility to affirmatively advise customers of changes or additions.

This MedHub Support Policy is being provided pursuant to, and is subject to the terms and conditions of, your Agreement with MedHub, LLC.

© 2021 MedHub, LLC

v1 (last updated July 2021)

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